CGDI MB can not make keys for w202 w210 w208, with existing Motorola based key can not extract password, with ezs eeprom calculated keys not working?
Yes CGDI cannot add key when exiting key is Moto key.
You can open the key, read moto, get psw from dump ( picture)
Read EZS info, paste Password, save and calculate key dump, write to BE key.

Another answer to Q1:
This is not a problem. Read the eis over obd. save the data. then read moto key with programmer, for example i use carprog. load the key dump into cgdi mb, there you will see the password. add password to eis dump. I think they get the rest alone.
So if the key is nec can we add one without soldering , i mean reading IR or OBD . Also are you aware of the problem all key lost in w204?
If key is NEC, BGA or BE key, no problem to add on bench or OBD.
Also CAN EZS as 204 easy to do by the same way
i mean when all key lost for w204 it always fails after asking to put IR key , so cannot make key when all key lost am i right ???
You need conenct Yellow clip to Kline ESL pin connector to do.
If wires, check your wires connection
So if the key is nec can we add one without soldering , i mean reading IR or OBD . Also are you aware of the problem all key lost in w204?
If key is NEC, BGA or BE key, no problem to add on bench or OBD.
Also CAN EZS as 204 easy to do by the same way
i mean when all key lost for w204 it always fails after asking to put IR key , so cannot make key when all key lost am i right ???
You need conenct Yellow clip to Kline ESL pin connector to do.
If wires, check your wires connection