Users provide their CGDI cg100x device serial number to customer service to get the device activated.
If you have sent CG100X SN number to your dealer and they got your device authorized, but your tool still shows in Chinese language and can not be activated,
Press Cancel button, go to Settings marked arrow above.
Go to “Network” -> choose server as “China Mainland” and go back. The device now is in English.
Then follow instructions below to activate cg100x programmer.
Run CG100X software.
Software says device is not activated, press OK to proceed.
Press OK to login CG account.
Login CG account with user name and password. If does not have one, Create a CG account.
Sign in account.
Press OK to combine CG100X with CG account.
Combine device successfully.
Now we finish activation.
CG100X software is ready to use.